Sunday, June 12

Details about ‘The Edge of Glory’ Music Video

Lady Gaga’s upcoming music video ‘The Edge of Glory’ which will be filmed this weekend in Canada.

According to E! News, who obtained a copy of the casting notice, the video is calling for a hot “Puerto Rican or Dominican type badass” who “must be willing to kiss Lady Gaga…Think Enrique Iglesias.” Oo-Ia-la, I highly doubt finding someone who is willing to kiss Gaga will be a challenge; however finding the perfect Enrique doppelganger might be. More details inside!

The casting notice also calls for a group of military men carrying M16 rifles, doctors “think Dr. 90210” who will be wearing smocks and a male or female on-air reporter.

Sounds like this project could skip down a number of different paths. While Laurieann Gibson wouldn’t reveal too much about the ‘The Edge of Glory’ video concept, Gibson did drop one hint: “I just know that we’ll be feeling very fishy. ”

What do you think Gaga has planned for The Edge of Glory music video?