Tuesday, May 22

The Born This Way Ball: Lady Gaga Cries While Talking about Manila Protests

Lady Gaga cried while trying to explain how she’s simply trying to be herself, a non-conformist rebel who fights for what she believes in. Gaga added that the main difference between rebels and others is that rebels fight for what they believe in while others simply complain about what they don’t like.

 All of those kids all around the world who take their lives when they’re so young because they feel bullied or they’re afraid because they’re gay and don’t want to tell anybody… Don’t you think that some of us should fucking stand up for them and speak the goddamn truth? It’s true! It’s not about the music, it’s not about my clothes, it’s not about having hit records. It’s the fucking goddamn truth that people in the world need to be free and be proud of who they are.” – LG


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