Thursday, March 10

Lady Gaga Ends Exclusive Partnership with Target – Lady Gaga has ended her special promotional deal with Target one month after announcing it, seemingly in response to concerns that the retail giant donates significant amounts of money to aggressively anti-gay political candidates.

In an emailed statement to EW, Gaga’s publicist simply stated, “Lady Gaga and Target came to a mutual decision to end their overall exclusive partnership a few weeks ago.”

When Gaga initially agreed to the deal with Target this February—in which her upcoming Born This
Way would be released as a special edition featuring three additional songs and five remixes—she talked about what she called the corporation’s “past mistakes,” but said her relationship with the retailer was contingent on them “affiliating themselves with LGBT charity groups” in the future as well as “making up for” past contributions to anti-gay-marriage candidates.

It seems that the reality of selling an album whose title track is a gay empowerment anthem at a store whose Political Action Committee contributed three quarters of its 2010 spending to anti-gay rights politicians became too contentious for Gaga and Target. Even though Target’s CEO apologized to outraged employees in an internal memo, the corporation’s donations to anti-gay rights candidates never stopped, as the Awl comprehensively detailed.


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