Thursday, December 22

PopJustice Named ‘Born This Way’ Best Album of 2011

Gaga’s latest and newest album, ‘Born This Way’ has been named the Best Album of 2011 by PopJustice. The album ranked #1 out of the 33 albums that were on the list. Other big names included Rihanna #8, Adele #13 and David Guetta #33. PopJustice commented on the album saying:

  • As an album, ‘Born This Way’ was the sound of someone trying to force a massive hat into a tiny car. It is a sprawling, ambitious album that shouted to be heard when everyone was already listening, but no other album in 2011 tried quite this hard to be amazing, and no other album succeeded in as many ways.
They further added, ‘Born This Way’ is album of the year for one simple reason: it has more great stuff in it than any other album by any other artist in 2011. More bangs, more crashes, more mariachi band, more unicorns, more choirs, more “put your hands on me, John F Kennedy”, more hair, more filth, more fire, more sax, more sex, more crap pretend German, more “with you, with you, with you, with you, with you”.

From Born This Way to Marry the Night, The Edge of Glory to Judas, Popjustice seemed to love everything that was right and wrong about Gaga’s album.

And remember, on Christmas Day, Gaga releases a new ‘unreleased’ song from her latest album ‘Born This Way’, and on December 31, Gaga will be performing at ‘Dick Clark’s New Years Rockin’ Eve’ for New Years Eve!


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